hm...5pm like tat out from my house with Yan Si =x ..
经过公园,wah !我们看到一个令我们目瞪口呆,眼前一亮的情景 .
我居然看到,有人迁着一只鸡在公园散步 ,不要怀疑 , 那绝对是一只鸡 ,我没有笨到猫,狗,鸡都不分。xD
那可称为溜鸡吗??hahaha .. 如此经典的画面,都能让我们见到真是今生何求阿~
hahah ... so hungry =x .. 不过不想吃鸡.lol... after eat thn we go chinese orchestra le . ^^
Door of dreamz 任意门音乐会
today de Chinese Orchestra Concert
hehe..i very like chinese orchestra ^^
有柳琴,大提琴,笛子,笙,扬琴,二胡,打击还有弹拔的 。
2001 - (飞跃) 演奏会
2002 - (丰收) 演奏会
2003 - (飞天) 演奏会
2004 - (非常) 演奏会
2005 - 总统50周年呈现演出
2006 - (梦成真) 演奏会
2007 - (我的音乐行李) 音乐会
- (我的音乐行李) 音乐会2
- (我的音乐行李) 音乐会3
2008 - (音乐听见)
- 2002年全国华乐合奏比赛
- 2003年雪隆区华乐小合奏比赛
- 2004年全国华乐合奏比赛
- 2006年全国华乐合奏大赛
- 2008年全国华乐合奏大赛
*the fisherman's song - the peice were describing the scenery of the fisherman and the joyous moment when they were finally back with their family in th evening.
*the fishing folk song - the peice was written two imitate the sea wave and towards the ending the drum solo part is meant to eulogize the spirit of the fishermen.
*the arrival of good news - music written in the late 70s,feeling warm and imaginative , to celebrate the victory of the people and the happy mood at the time.
*spring - this erhu (string instrument) unison is partly abstracted from a roman violyn brings out the joyous dancing and celebrating theme.
*Alta turca- is the last movement of piano sonata no.11 in Amajor.
*Doraemon - the theme song of this animated japanese cartoon.
*Susana - a sweet n lively song
hm... still gt some de...lazy write le =x...
this time de perform very gd leh XD
erm ..总之,请支持华乐 XD